Become your personal best in psychotherapy

Dr. Daryl Chow, Clinical psychologist

Discover a method to measure your efficiency as a therapist


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  • 3h of continuing education
  • 21 lessons that last from 5 to 15 minutes each
  • 1 certificate of achievement
  • 1 bibliography
  • 1 course evaluation
  • 4 months unlimited access
  • 7-day money back guarantee
  • 97% of participants who completed the satisfaction survey declare they would recommend this course to a colleague


Gleaning from studies conducted about feedback informed treatment (FIT) and on highly effective psychotherapists, this workshop focuses on helping practitioners develop a personalized system to as much as double the effectiveness of treatment while simultaneously reducing costs, drop-out rates and client deterioration. In this hands-on workshop with Dr. Chow, participants will learn about progress monitoring and feedback informed treatments. They will also learn to adopt three systematic steps to improve outcomes of their intervention work, identify cases at risk of dropping out of treatment or experiencing a negative or null outcome, and identify and improve areas of weakness in their clinical work.

About the expert

Picture of Daryl Chow

Dr. Daryl Chow is a clinical psychologist who has worked as senior psychologist with the Mt. Elizabeth Hospital Institute of Mental Health, the Woodbridge Hospital and the Early Psychosis Intervention Program (EPIP), Singapore. For many years and still to this day, he provides outpatient and inpatient psychological services, clinical supervision, psychotherapy research, clinical training and workshops, in addition to teaching in university settings. As a clinical researcher, he has spearheaded and collaborated in clinical studies involving psychotherapy outcomes, and the effects of training clinicians in Difficult Conversations in Therapy. Dr. Chow is also a senior associate and certified trainer of the International Center for Clinical Excellence (ICCE), which is a world-wide consortium of clinicians, researchers, and educators dedicated to promoting excellence in behavioral health services. Dr. Daryl how has authored many books, including the well-known Better Results: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Therapeutic Outcomes (APA, 2021), the Field Guide to Better Results (APA, 2023), and Creating Impact (2022). He is also co-author of many articles and co-editor and contributing author of The Write to Recovery: Personal Stories & Lessons about Recovery from Mental Health Concerns, as well as the author of The First Kiss: Undoing the Intake Model and Igniting First Sessions in Psychotherapy. Dr. Chow conducts trainings and workshops based on his research on highly effective psychotherapists, and maintains a private practice in Perth, Western Australia.

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Learning objectives

  1. Adopt three systematic steps to improve outcomes of their clinical work.
  2. Identify cases at risk of dropping out of treatment or experiencing a negative or null outcome.
  3. Identify and improve areas of weakness in their clinical work.

Learning material

A theoretical course illustrated with clinical examples. This course is composed of videos of 5 to 15 minutes each. The PowerPoint of the course to download.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Quickstart Quick Wins
  • 3. Performing vs Learning
  • 4. Why Measure
  • 5. The Pill Model vs Continuous Calibration Model
  • 6. Outcome Rating Scale (ORS)
  • 7. Session Rating Scale (SRS)
  • 8. Milestone 1
  • 9. The Hidden Side of Psychotherapy Outcomes
  • 10. The Hidden Side of Psychotherapy Outcomes- Know Thy Base Rates
  • 11. The Hidden Side of Psychotherapy Outcomes- The Self-Assessment Bias and Impact of Clinical Experience
  • 12. Actual Clinical Use of the ORS (w blurred)
  • 13. Actual Clinical Use of the SRS (w blurred)
  • 14. Advanced Clinical Tips in Using the ORS
  • 15. Advanced Clinical Tips in Using the SRS
  • 16. Milestone 2
  • 17. FIT to Deliberate Practice- Step 1 Figure Out Where You Are At
  • 18. Step 2 Figure Out the What to Work On Before the How
  • 19. What Areas Have High Impact on Improving Outcomes
  • 20. FIT to Deliberate Practice- Step 3 Design a Learning System
  • 21. Conclusion

CE Credits

Download a certificate of successful completion.


This training is intended for mental health professionals.


  • 3h of continuing education
  • 21 lessons that last from 5 to 15 minutes each
  • 1 certificate of achievement
  • 1 bibliography
  • 1 course evaluation
  • 4 months unlimited access
  • 7-day money back guarantee

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The courses offered by ASADIS are accredited by different professional organisations. In addition, ASADIS is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. ASADIS maintains responsibility for the program.

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