Continuing Education for Mental Health Experts

Empowering mental health experts with up to date empirical and clinical knowledge

Available when you are.

Your schedule is complicated enough as it is.

Our courses are presented as recorded video lectures. You can access them whenever, wherever. You choose when to start your training and when to complete it. No obligations, no reminders, no mandatory tests or exercises: you have complete control.

A collage with a little girl reading a magazine, an alarm clock, and a bird.


Learn from the best.

Learn from an expert who lives thousands of miles away.

In the mental health field, advancement of knowledge is often facilitated by experts who have dedicated countless years to clinical practice and research. Experts of this calibre are not readily accessible. They do not always live nearby, and it is not uncommon to have to travel a great distance at great expense to attend high-quality workshops. We do the leg work for you. We travel thousands of miles to provide you with world-class training that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home or office. This enables you to benefit from the knowledge of experts and expertise of trainers when it is convenient for you.

A collage with people in suits within a close-up of a hand.


Learning cannot be rushed.

Our training adapts to you.

Learning is most effective when lessons are divided into small digestible units, key concepts are repeated, and the pace of learning takes your attention span into account. When we founded Asadis, we relied on neuropsychological, learning-related concepts to design our training platform. As a result, all our courses are broken down into short modules lasting between 5 and 15 minutes so you can learn at your pace. Each video can be watched as many times as necessary. It's the best way to learn!

A collage featuring a teapot bird serving tea in a zen atmosphere.


Mental health is your expertise.

You don't need intro courses.

You’ve already completed your initial training, and likely much more training after earning your degree. You have studied mental health and would now like to learn more about a specific topic, or you simply want to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field. We ask each of our trainers to dive deep into complex subjects because we know you are interested in gaining specific, in-depth knowledge.

A collage with a Renaissance figure inside a seashell.


You take care of your patients. We take care of you.

Our professions are not always simple. Asadis is.

We know what it’s like to come home after a long day of clinical work. We know firsthand the challenges that mental health practitioners face and the important questions we ask ourselves. These challenges and questions are what inspired us to create Asadis. From our easy-to-use training platform to the excellent audio and video quality of our courses, everything is done to ensure that we provide the best learning conditions possible. And we will always answer all of your questions ASAP! Please don't hesitate to email us at

A collage with a man playing the trumpet inside a teacup.


Training is our expertise.

The web too.

Asadis was founded by psychologist and web developer, Pierre-Marie Houdry (France), and professor of psychology and psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, Martin Drapeau (Canada). Creating and disseminating psychological knowledge and designing innovative user experiences on the web is what we do.

A collage with an astronaut, a rocket, and flowers.

Our customers say it best.

They are psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, mental health professionals...

« This course was excellent, an provided me with useful tools to assist my clients who are going through a trauma. The expert was knowlegeable, and the soft voice was a welcome extra. BRAVO! » (automatically translated)

A (Canada) about the course Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation

« I focus on how a client uses language; the actual words used and how they are used. They are our window to the mind. When listening to therapists and teachers I do the same with them. Often therapists don't observe the way they speak and are therefore unaware of unintended messages put out. Intentional speaking especially in clinical encountering is important for me in my work. Thank you for a fine learning experience. »

A mental health professional (Canada) about the course The Theory and Techniques of Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

« yes it was verry Satisfied includes all imformation about dsm5 and i hope many formation and courses like hcr20 and mmpi rorchack » (automatically translated)

A mental health professional (Algeria) about the course DSM-5-TR: Unlocking its Potential for Your Clinical Practice

« The course was very detailed and offered many strategies to use with children and youth. »

A mental health professional (Canada) about the course Optimizing Success with ADHD in children and teens

« This was one of the most interesting courses I have taken. It's really great to get the perspectives and examples from such an experienced and reflective therapist. »

A mental health professional (Canada) about the course Personality Structure and Its Implications for Psychotherapy

« in 15+ years this is the best training i've had »

A (Canada) about the course Learning Disabilities: Comprehensive Diagnosis & Treatment Planning

« Inspired continued learning for Shame. » (automatically translated)

A mental health professional about the course Treating Grief and Shame in Clinical Practice

« The trainer's communication and popularization skills were very helpful in stimulating my interest in the subjects covered in the training, as well as facilitating my understanding of the research results presented.
The clinical examples were well-chosen and supported by concrete courses of action and evidence-based data.
The presentation was well structured, fluid and engaging.
I would be very interested in taking further training from this trainer on related topics. Many thanks! » (automatically translated)

A (Canada) about the course Working with your patients’ values to increase change in psychotherapy

« Excellent training from which I learned a lot. I can make connections between my knowledge and approaches and those proposed by the speaker. I appreciate being able to listen to certain content again to understand it better.

The pace, structure of the presentation and Dr Biasetti's sense of pedagogy made this professional training not only enjoyable but also highly motivating. I appreciated the alternation between theory and practice during the course.

I'm keen to deepen my knowledge, to read up on certain aspects taught, such as polyvagal theory and AI.

Thank you Dr. Biasetti for the quality of your presentation and your valuable lessons.

Translated with (free version) » (automatically translated)

A mental health professional about the course Eating Disorders: How Neurobiology, Embodiment and Self-Compassion Heal

« Course was very interesting and informative problem. I believe us as a therapist is understanding how to deal with some of the issues that he presented, and he being a specialist could perhaps come up with the best practises for these type of situations instead of saying well, what would you do, especially if we’re not an expert in this area there is lies the disappointment in this course »

A (Canada) about the course Best practices for integrating psychedelic medicines into psychotherapy

« Just wanted to say "thank you" for a well designed online course and content that has been carefully developed through extensive research.
I have been actively avoiding this format, but am grateful to have had occasion to learn about Emotion Focused Therapy in this way. » (automatically translated)

A mental health professional about the course Emotion-focused therapy: Changing Emotion with Emotion

« A great course. Thank You!! »

A (Canada) about the course How to use exposure to best treat anxiety disorders and phobias

« Excellent presentation! »

A (Canada) about the course Overcoming Panic and Worry: Mastering Exposure Work with Acceptance, Defusion, Humor, and Paradox

« Thank you so much for this course; it is a practical course with updated approaches and sources.
As a suggestion, it is more helpful if some role playing is added to this course. »

A mental health professional (Canada) about the course Integrative Harm Reduction Approach to Treating Substance Misuse

« The ideas were very clearly presented and the material very useful.I enjoyed listening throughout. »

A (Canada) about the course Integrative Harm Reduction Approach to Treating Substance Misuse

« The course was very well taught and I like the fact that concepts were backed up by research and case presentations. I would be very interested in taking more courses by Marilyn in the future. »

A (Canada) about the course Working with your patients’ values to increase change in psychotherapy

« One of the best online trainings I have attended so far.. It has been incredibly well presented, helpful and inspiring. Thank you! »

A (Slovakia) about the course Integrative Harm Reduction Approach to Treating Substance Misuse

« Excellent presenter and course content. »

A (Canada) about the course Effective Strategies for Therapeutic Success in Clients with Borderline, Narcissistic and Antisocial Personality Disorders

« I appreciated the videos demonstrating interventions. »

A (Canada) about the course Chronic Pain in Adults: A Cognitive Behavioural Perspective for Assessment and Treatment

« More video, I find the client sessions so valuable to learning how to do EFT as a therapist »

A (Canada) about the course Emotion-focused therapy: Changing Emotion with Emotion

« Thank you Les Greenberg :) »

A (Canada) about the course Emotion-focused therapy: Changing Emotion with Emotion

« Excellent platform, easy to use. Knowledgeable speaker. Thanks! »

A (Canada) about the course Psychological Treatment of OCD – Best Practices and Recent Advances

« Dommage que l’intervenante ne fasse que lire le texte inscrit sur le support. Cela manque de vie et de spontanéité. » (automatically translated)

A (France) about the course La dépression chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes : stratégies d’intervention et de prévention

« Love this course - the instructor was easy to understand. I loved the case demonstrations which put all of the theory into practice. »

A (Canada) about the course Emotion-focused therapy: Changing Emotion with Emotion

« Dr. L. Nadeau was my professor during my studies at Ude M, I took as many classes with her as possible. Although my expectations were high for this course, Dr, Nadeau managed to exceed them, and I'm astonished by her knowledge, delivery and person. The course was excellent! »

A (Canada) about the course Les addictions: toutes les données pour soutenir votre pratique clinique

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