Treating Anxiety in Autistic Children and Adolescents

Dr. Meghan Barlow, Pediatric Psychologist

Adapt anxiety treatment to the needs of the autism spectrum disorder


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  • 4h30 of continuing education
  • 28 lessons that last from 5 to 15 minutes each
  • 1 certificate of achievement
  • 1 PowerPoint
  • 1 bibliography
  • 1 course evaluation
  • 4 months unlimited access
  • 7-day money back guarantee
  • 97% of participants who completed the satisfaction survey declare they would recommend this course to a colleague


Many anxiety symptoms are closely related to the core characteristics of autism. Individuals on the autism spectrum often struggle to anticipate how others will respond due to difficulties understanding social norms, further complicated by their unique sensory experience. In fact, anxiety is so frequently comorbid with autism that experts debate whether it should be regarded as one of autism’s core symptoms.

This workshop—led by Dr. Barlow, an expert in autism treatment—will guide you in adapting anxiety interventions for individuals on the autism spectrum. You will learn to recognize both typical and atypical presentations of anxiety in autistic clients, as well as how the core symptoms of ASD can predispose individuals to anxiety. In addition, you will discover how to modify empirically supported treatments to better suit the needs of this population. Topics covered include specific strategies and case examples for treating generalized anxiety, social phobia, specific phobias, selective mutism, OCD, and body-focused repetitive behaviors.

Dr Barlow will also cover approaches to address distress and anxiety arising from sensory experiences, social settings, and disruptions in routines, along with interventions for challenges such as picky eating, stimming, and pathological demand avoidance.

About the expert

Picture of Meghan Barlow

Dr. Meghan Barlow, Ph.D., is a pediatric psychologist in private practice specializing in the assessment and treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, attention deficit disorders, and chronic medical problems. She earned her Ph.D. from Kent State University in Clinical Psychology and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic. After several years on staff at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Barlow opened a private practice where she uses a cognitive behavioral approach to therapy and a variety of evidence based therapeutic interventions in treatment. She provides trainings to professionals and frequently presents to parent and community groups about topics in child and adolescent mental health.

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Learning objectives

  1. Understand the challenges in identifying and diagnosing anxiety disorders in autistic individuals
  2. Identify predisposing conditions inherent in autism that increase an individual’s risk of developing anxiety
  3. Differentiate between typical and atypical presentations of anxiety in ASD
  4. Modify and develop interventions to treat various presentations of anxiety in autistic clients

Learning material

A theoretical course illustrated with clinical examples. This course is composed of videos of 5 to 15 minutes each. The PowerPoint of the course to download.


  • PowerPoint
  • 1. Introduction
  • Anxiety in Autism: Patterns, Causes, and Case Insights

  • 2. Autism and Anxiety
  • 3. Conceptualizing Anxiety in ASD
  • 4. Typical Presentations of Anxiety in ASD
  • 5. Atypical Presentations of Anxiety in ASD
  • 6. ASD as Predisposing Condition for Anxiety Part 1
  • 7. ASD as Predisposing Condition for Anxiety Part 2
  • 8. ASD as Predisposing Condition for Anxiety Part 3
  • 9. What's the Point
  • 10. Case Example Stephen
  • 11. Typical or Atypical Presentation
  • Treating Typical and “Ish” Presentations

  • 12. Adjusting and Modifying for ASD
  • 13. Treating GAD
  • 14. Sorting Worries
  • 15. ANTs and Parent-Educator Guidance
  • 16. Social Phobia
  • 17. Case Example Heather
  • 18. Specific Phobia
  • 19. OCD
  • 20. Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors
  • Treating Anxiety Secondary to ASD features

  • 21. General Considerations
  • 22. Sensory Sensitivities and Picky Eating
  • 23. Distress-Worries Related to Interests
  • 24. Social Situations, Crowds
  • 25. Stimming and Repetitive Behaviors
  • 26. Distress Due to Rigidity
  • 27. Pathological Demand Avoidance
  • 28. Conclusion
  • Bibliography

CE Credits

Download a certificate of successful completion.


This course is intended for mental health professionals.


  • 4h30 of continuing education
  • 28 lessons that last from 5 to 15 minutes each
  • 1 certificate of achievement
  • 1 PowerPoint
  • 1 bibliography
  • 1 course evaluation
  • 4 months unlimited access
  • 7-day money back guarantee

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