Picture of Debra Alvis

Dr. Debra Alvis

Psychologist (United States)

Dr. Debra Alvis, PhD, MMT, C-IAYT, is a licensed psychologist and wellness consultant whose compassion fatigue trainings have supported healthcare professionals worldwide, including medical staff at prominent state university health centers. She developed the Mind/Body Program at the University of Georgia, providing clinician training that integrates contemplative approaches into psychotherapy. While serving as a professor at the University of Georgia, she supervised doctoral students and co-led a research team exploring applied mindfulness practices.

For over 20 years, Dr. Alvis has designed individual and group programs focused on enhancing stress hardiness, work-life balance, and resilience among professionals in empathy-intensive fields. Her extensive experience across diverse medical and mental health settings gives her a unique understanding of the demands on clinicians and the potential toll on their well-being.

An international speaker and retreat leader, Dr. Alvis also maintains a private psychotherapy practice. Her trainings have helped thousands of clinicians enrich their work by blending contemplative practices, somatic psychotherapies, and Polyvagal-informed interventions. She is certified as both a mindfulness meditation teacher and a yoga therapist, reflecting her deep commitment to holistic and integrative approaches to care.

Area of interest

Work/life balance, Compassion resilience, Polyvagal Theory and application, Internal Parts approaches, Contemplative psychotherapies, Yoga Therapy





A Guide to Overcoming Compassion Fatigue with Compassion Resilience

Polyvagal-informed strategies to revitalize your empathy and foster resilience

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Applying Polyvagal Principles to Help Clients Build Nervous System Resilience

Integrate the “science of safety” in your clinical practice

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