Crucial techniques and strategies to build resilience in our patients

Dr. Valentina Munoz, Psychologist. Ph. D.

Excerpt: a resilient mindset

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  • 2h30 of continuing education
  • 21 lessons that last from 5 to 15 minutes each
  • 1 certificate of achievement
  • 1 power-point
  • 1 bibliography
  • 1 course evaluation
  • 4 months unlimited access
  • 7-day money back guarantee
  • 95% of participants who completed the satisfaction survey declare they would recommend this course to a colleague


Behind any request for therapy, often unbeknownst to them, patients are asking for help to increase their resilience. When resilience is suboptimal, the mastery of strategies acquired in therapy and long-term changes are more difficult to achieve, and relapse is more probable. In this workshop, Dr. Munoz explains how to conceptualize resilience and explains how you can reinforce your patients’ strengths while creating an in-session environment where resilience can be practiced. She also presents concrete strategies to support and increase your patients’ resilience by practicing a growth mindset, counteracting cognitive biases, developing a healthy relationship with emotions, bringing physical arousal into the resilience zone, and developing and practicing powerful habits that support long-term resilience. Ultimately, this workshop will enable you to help your patients thrive even when faced with adversity.

About the expert

Picture of Valentina Munoz [en]

Dr. Valentina Munoz has been a practicing clinical psychologist for over 15 years. She holds a PhD in clinical and research psychology from the University of Montreal, Canada. She specializes in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to treat anxiety disorders in adults.

She also worked at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute for many years, where she treated patients suffering from severe anxiety disorders with various co-morbid mental and social conditions, supervised doctoral interns, and served as co-leader for the Clinical Supervision Psychology Committee.

She currently has a private practice and offers training, including to the general public, to other mental health professionals, and in corporate settings. Her workshops, articles, and appearances in the media usually touch upon topics such as resilience, anxiety disorders, and stress management.

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Learning objectives

  1. Define and conceptualize what resilience is
  2. Understand how resilience can be fostered with patients presenting various mental health issues.
  3. Apply specific cognitive, emotional, physical and behavioral strategies to increase resilience.

Learning material

This workshop includes theory as well as clinical examples. It includes videos ranging from 5-15 minutes in length. The PowerPoint of the workshop can be downloaded.


  • PowerPoint
  • 1. Presentation
  • Building a strong foundation

  • 2. Definition & control
  • 3. Healthy habits to strengthen resilience
  • 4. Knowing your patient's strenghts to benefit resilience
  • 5. Doing is key
  • The ABC model as a framework to implement strategies that increase resilience

  • 6. ABC components
  • 7. ABC concrete exercises
  • Engaging a resilient mindset

  • 8. Growth and fixed mindsets
  • 9. Impact and Miswanting biases
  • 10. Biases counter strategies
  • 11. Mindfulness & mindset takeaways
  • Coping with emotions

  • 12. Emotion foundations & white polar bear exercise
  • 13. Emotional avoidance & lack of permanence
  • 14. Positive emotional states and happiness
  • 15. Normalization of emotions
  • 16. Desensitization of emotions and takeaways
  • Optimal physiological arousal for resiliency: The resilient zone

  • 17. The Trauma resiliency model (TRM)
  • 18. The five skills of the TRM and physical takeaways
  • Power habits to increase resilience

  • 19. Social connections, reference points and savoring
  • 20. Gratitude, kindness, experiential activities and resetting the adaptation bias
  • 21. Behavioral takeaways
  • Bibliography

CE Credits

Download a certificate of successful completion.


This training is intended for mental health professionals.

What our customers are saying

"An excellent, engaging presentation. I very much enjoyed Dr. Munoz’s informal, conversational style of presenting the material." (automatically translated)
A psychologist (Canada)


  • 2h30 of continuing education
  • 21 lessons that last from 5 to 15 minutes each
  • 1 certificate of achievement
  • 1 power-point
  • 1 bibliography
  • 1 course evaluation
  • 4 months unlimited access
  • 7-day money back guarantee

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The courses offered by ASADIS are accredited by different professional organisations. In addition, ASADIS is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. ASADIS maintains responsibility for the program.

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